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Yu-Gi-Oh! - 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II Boosterbox. Opening Rarity Collection packs is a rapid-fire waterfall of high-powered cards, in seven of the game’s most popular foil rarities. If you haven’t experienced this all-foil extravaganza yet, you’re in for a treat! If you missed out on the first Rarity Collection, here’s how it works: Every card in the set is available in every rarity, with 3 “standard” rarities (Super Rare, Ultra rare, Secret Rare), and four special “luxury’” rarities: Quarter Century Secret Rares (celebrating the 25th anniversary with tons of sparkle and a watermark logo!), Platinum Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rares, and “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rares. The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II is a spectacular all-foil set with 79 unique cards in the set with 2 cards in the set also available as variant art cards.
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