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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Battle of Legend Terminal Revenge Boosterbox Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge combines the storytelling of the Hidden Arsenal series with its own signature blend of foil-ups for popular cards, and gives Duelists another shot at tournament-level cards. Combined, it’s a can’t miss, all-foil Summer Dueling blockbuster! As always with Battles of Legend sets, Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge will feature a line-up of popular cards getting foil upgrades as well as some popular tournament cards you can use to up your game this Summer! No matter how you like to Duel, you won’t want to miss out on Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge! Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. The complete Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge booster set contains a mix of Secret and Ultra Rares, with some cards also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares.
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