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Light of Destruction was the first glimpse into the Realm of Light where the Lightsworn dwelled, training to deliver justice in whatever form that would take. Whether it be a paladin, a sorceress, an angel or even a dragon larger than any mountain; they would appear to destroy the wicked and vanish without a trace. Light of Destruction was not only renowned for its introduction of Lightsworn but also some iconic cards that were played for many years following its release such as Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Hero Blast and Substitoad. You can relive those eras with the Time Wizard format! It also introduced cards that have been used even more recently! Cards such as Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo and Deck Lockdown. There is so much packed into this retro booster! Honestly though, there is just one more thing...for the first time since 2008 you can see Honest making its return in glorious Ghost rare.
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